Hisashi Ohtsuka inspecting an LRS Realy at the Technical Museum in Stockholm. The tube, and a Telefunken amplifier that uses it, are being loaned to the museum of the University of Electro-Communication in Tokyo. This greatly enhances the excellent tube collection that Ohtsuka donated, and that he continued to support. (See TCA, April 2005, p....
Category: Magazines
Vol. 15, No. 3
The Philips EC157 microwave triode, registered in 1963 with the Electronic Industries Association (but not cataloged) by Philips’ subsidiary Amperex. While physically similar to the much earlier “lighthouse” tubes (2C43 etc.) from General Electric, this one is substantially redesigned and is rated at much higher frequency (6GHz). In this issue
Vol. 12, No. 6
The front cover of an RCA service-dealer magazine from the mid-Twenties, featuring the “Selling Fool” doll. Graphic: Joe Knight In this issue
Vol. 15, No. 5
The RCA “Sellin Fool” mannikin of 1931-32 returns, this time endorsing TCA. In this issue
Vol. 13, No. 2
Inspired by February’s “Tunggram Radio” ad, Abel Santoro senrt in this advertisement, clearly from the Hungarian arm of the company, for tungsram-filament light emitting monodes. In this issue
Vol. 15, No. 6
The Philips (Mullard, Amperex) E1T electronic decade counter tube, registered with EIA as the 6370 in 1956. “The applied electrical pulses deflect a ribbon-shaped focused electron beam to one of ten stable positions, producing a light spot on a fluorescent sccreen markedd with figures 0-9.” Drawing: J. Haantjes and H. Carter, Classificationof Electron Tubes (New...