Category: Magazines
Vol. 3, No. 5
On the Cover George Fathauer makes a tubish point at the TCA meeting at Rochester In this issue
Vol. 13, No. 3
A continuous oven for baking-out TV picture tubes before exhausting, sealing-off, and getter-firing, at the Fabbrica Italiana Valvole Radio-Elettriche (FIVRE), ca 1957. Photo: Giuseppe Vulpetti. In this issue
Vol. 16, No. 1
A late-“20s RCA promo – a minstrel version of the “Radiotron Man” (see TC cover, Feb. 2009). This is from some dealer sales-support material discovered by Joe Knight. In this issue
Vol. 13, No. 4
Massive “Club 30” TV receiver “designed for use in public places, such as schools, clubs, hospitals, and resturants” (gin mills not mentioned) using the big new 308P4 picture tube. Adapted from the July 1950 issue of the Du Mont Raster. Photo: Wm. Wade, Jr. In this issue
Vol. 16, No. 2
A family of early-’20s Magnavox triodes, as covered, along with the newly revealed “Kathion” rectifier, in the lead article. In this issue