In this issue
- Numbering of Pins The evolution of the pin numbering scheme.
- Two New P-N-P Junction Transistors Electronic Design, January 1953.
- RCA Transistors: Types 2N32, 2N33, 2N34, and 2N35 RCA enters the transistor field.
- Hum in Heater-Type Tubes Application Note No. 88.
- Radio Panel Lamps – Dial Bulbs A review of the bulb types and makers.
- Self-Service Tube Tester Radio-Television Service Dealer, May, 1955.
- Mini-Magnetrons Features of the GE 6AE4.
- GE Wartime Recycling Notice Recycling 250 watt and above transmitting tubes as well as all metal tubes.
- RCA and Raytheon on the 2A3 / Raytheon Introduces Its 2A3 Preliminary technicial information.
- Solar Fires MRI Power Tube The Solar Atmospheres assists Triton to heat process anode assemblies.
- The Margo Diode A Fleming type diode is built when the patent expired on the original.
- Electron Tube Painting Radio Age, Oct. 1947.
- TV Brighteners Gagets made to increase filament voltage or other processes to extend the life of TV picture tubes.
- What Is a Cavity Magnetron Anyway? Missed opportunities at RCA.
- Threat-Emitter Magnetrons Magnetrons designed to be used in RADAR simulators to test countermeasures.
- Tube Topics From Buships Electron, Navy 1948.
- Self-Shielded Vacuum Tube Radio Industries, December 1930.
- Arcturus “Coronet” Promotion Arcturus claiming better metal tubes than the ones produced by RCA.
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