In this issue
- New Television Protection Features RCA Victor Radio-Phono-TV Tips, April1, 1950.
- The Radio Repairman Consumers Union Reports, Technical Section, 1941.
- Electrolysis in 1B3GTs Philco Serviceman, Dec, 1953.
- Stanley Electronics Joins the Tube Crushing Program Gimmick to get people to trade in old or bad tubes for money off a new one.
- Wierd Tube of the Month: National Union Anodyne Beam-defliction tube with secondary emission operation added.
- New Family of G-E Full-Wave Rectifier Types Now Available GE Techni-Talk, June-July 1960.
- “Whippany” RCA Victor “Plain Talk and Technical Tips,” May, 1959.
- FM Barrage Jamming-An Idea Before Its Time Using FM signals to jam a wide band of frequencies.
- Application Note-Triode Operation of 42 and 2A5 Optimum performance when suggested voltages are used.
- Triad Metal Shielded Radio Tubes Triad’s line of metal-glass tubes in 1935.
- Notes on the Use of the Ultraudion Adjustment of the audion detector to produce hetodynes at very low frequencies.
- Locating Gassy Tubes5 Philco Serviceman, Nov. and Dec.1959, Jan. 1960.
- A Simple Catechism on Tube Checkers Facts that the tube dealer should know about tube testing.
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