In this issue
- Non-Tubes from Eimac Products from Varian AG of Switzerland.
- A Stabilized Neon-Tube Coupled Amplifier AIEE Transactions, September 1941.
- Wierd Tube of the Month: Westinghouse Lenard Ray Tube WL-785 A tube designed to radiate Lenard or Cathode Rays for pest and bacteria control.
- Heater-Cathode Hum Radio Maintenance, June 1948.
- The Stenode Non-Tube Building a crystal filter inside a tube envelope.
- Speed History “Speed – The Perfect Radio Tube” ca. 1931.
- The “Z” Tube Rectifier Amateur Radio, July 1925.
- The Metal Receiving Tube GE re-enters the receiving tube market with external metal tubes.
- RCA Application Note 29 – The 2A3 RCA December 29, 1933.
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