Pacific Radio News magazines were first published in January, 1917 by the San Francisco Radio Club with H. W. Dickow as editor, P. R Fenner as manager, L. O Fassett as assistant manager, and D. B. Mcgown as assistant editor, It was a monthly magazine featuring up-to-date radio communication news from around the country, and the local areas radio club news. By the time the next edition was printed, it was known as the Pacific Radio Publishing Company and that remained until the name was shortened to simply Radio. PRN suspended their monthly magazine in May of 1917 because of WW1 and resumed them in Jan., 1920 with their victory edition.
See the Jan., 1917 to July, 1920 covers here: 1-12
Anyone collector who has tried to find originals has found they are quite rare and in keeping with that fact, this author no originals at all. I was lucky enough to know Alan Douglas who had, if not a complete collection, a near complete holding. Within my recent memory, I invited myself to his place bringing my color scanner and PC and copied as many as possible in 3 or 4 days. I scanned every copy from the beginning to the end of 1921` and a few into 1922. The only other holdings we could think of for certain were perhaps a few collectors out west and the National Library Archives in Washinton, DC., and incomplete at best. I found traveling to and from and scanning was the easy part as it took me several years to digitally correct, fill in and restore each and every cover and page. Whoever now owns the Douglas library of PRN magazines has something akin to a national treasure.
The early years of Pacific Radio News featured their customary logo on the front until May, 1920, when they began to have Moorhead vacuum tubes on the front of each cover with a whole new, and to me, very interesting cover artwork. I would suspect that the Moorhead companies, regardless of their new names, created the artwork that appeared in Pacific Radio News but I cannot be certain of this fact.
Click only once on each magazine cover below to enlarge or twice for super large.

Complete magazines, for the above, from this author in the digitized corrected form can be available upon request. Be advised, they are quite large and would require a large amount of pc space. They are also available in un-corrected form here:
Douglas, Alan, his personel collection. Thanks to Alan.
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