In this issue
- Testing High Voltage Tubes on a TV-7 and Its Relatives Issues with low test results due to improper filament voltage.
- Sylvania – The Perfect Host! Sylvania Lodge from Radio Industries, Oct. 1930.
- Safegarding Tube Life and Reliability Engineering Department, Amperex Electronics Corp. Service, July 1958.
- Wierd Tube of the Month: The Circuitron Tubes and associated circuitry placed inside the envelope to be resistant to ionizing radiation.
- Transatlantic Solid State QSO Service Dealer and Electronic Servicing, November, 1956.
- Why Grids Are Shaped the Way They Are Effects of varing the interelectrod espacing.
- Technical Evolution of American Broadcast Transmitters Edmund Lapodt Archive, RCA Corporation, ca 1920-1950.
- Whose Face Is Red? Problems with different results from different tube testers.
- Index to RCA Application Notes A listing from 1930 to 1980.
- RCA App. Note 107, Miniature-Tube Hearing Aid Amplifier RCA Manufacturing Company.
- Sylvania Government Tubes Sylvania offers surplus tubes to the public.
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