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  • Like those Early RCA-Cunningham Boxes!
    I always had and have a facination with the early RC, RCA, and Cunningham tube boxes probably because they were the first and most common and easiest to find and buy startting in the mid 1970’s. As most collectors know, most tube shipping boxes are quite often harder to find in good condition than the…
  • Did DeForest make a Type 20 tube or not?
    Modern vacuum tube collectors have been trying to find concrete evidence that the DeForest Type 20 was not only made but designated type 20. This author believes he has found what has been missing or perhaps re-found again within my information? As all collectors know, Otis Moorhead was the first to bring together DeForest and,…
  • Schickerling Line of Tubes – A few Examples
    Conrad Schickerling, besides his radio vacuum tubes, made various electrical products, and claimed to have been in business since 1898. Here are a few of those products named below- Ultra-Violet sun lamps, Automatic Ultra-Violet aquarium heaters for tropical fish, Ultra-Violet vapor health lamps, Ultra-Violet window-glass light fixtures(reflectors), Ultra-Violet water purifiers, Ultra-Violet water and air-cooling apparatus,…
  • Le Radion, Le Clairton: Made by French Tube Makers?
    Click on the pictures above for a larger view. These exceptionally beautiful UV Le Radion and Le Clairton vacuum tubes, made in the 1923 time- line, imply they were made by a French maker, but were they? It seems not. A contemporary shipping box for the Le Radion brand indicates they could have been made…
  • Pacific Radio News – Moorhead Tubes on the Cover
    Pacific Radio News magazines were first published in January, 1917 by the San Francisco Radio Club with H. W. Dickow as editor, P. R Fenner as manager, L. O Fassett as assistant manager, and D. B. Mcgown as assistant editor, It was a monthly magazine featuring up-to-date radio communication news from around the country, and…